Leadership Curriculum

Ethical and effective leaders have a well developed toolkit of skills to draw on in their work. The skills of leadership are vital to creating news organizations that are safe, equitable, and dignified so that journalists can flourish as professionals and do their best work. The modules in this course examine these skills and show how they can be incorporated in newsrooms.

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Featured image for “Leadership: An Introduction”

Leadership: An Introduction

The skills required of excellent journalism are not the same as the skills required of excellent management or leadership. The good news is that, with focused practice, anyone can learn to be an excellent leader.
Featured image for “Creating Safe and Fair Newsrooms”

Creating Safe and Fair Newsrooms

News organizations must create safe and fair workplaces in which everyone can do their best work. Though it might seem counterintuitive, understanding why and how unethical behavior persists and creates unfair and unsafe workplaces is a prerequisite to understanding how to create safe and fair workplaces.
Featured image for “Giving Voice to Values”

Giving Voice to Values

Journalists often encounter values conflicts when the way they want to conduct their lives conflicts with the expectations of others such as their coworkers, bosses, and perhaps even their news sources. They must develop the skills to recognize and analyze these situations and then speak and act on their values.
Featured image for “Understanding and Changing Organizational Culture”

Understanding and Changing Organizational Culture

Understanding how organizational culture is created and sustained offers a valuable toolkit for us as we think about the communities in which we do our work. Organizations that have a strong culture that supports diversity and inclusion and values ethical leadership and followership are workplaces where everyone, from editor to beat reporter, can do their best work.
Featured image for “Working in Teams”

Working in Teams

When we think of journalists, we often imagine that stereotypical journalist portrayed in film and television, working alone, pursuing leads, doing interviews and reporting on a story. In reality, however, doing good journalism means collaborating with lots of different people. The challenge is to help journalists learn how to be not just ethical and effective journalists but ethical and effective team members.
Featured image for “Gaining Self-Awareness”

Gaining Self-Awareness

The processes and practices of journalism can create a culture that views stress and pressure as just part of the job. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Journalists need to develop self-awareness so they can proactively manage their stress, perform their best at work and maximize their personal well-being.
Young professional listening during a business meeting

Gaining Self-Awareness

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